IQA Women In Quarrying Network ‘WIQN’- Committee Charter

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Composition of the committee

The WIQN committee is chaired by the IQA’s WIQ National Coordinator and consists of four (4) or more WIQ Coordinators. These coordinators can be drawn from the Branches, Sub-Branches or from individuals in the industry with the skills and experience to support the objectives of the IQA and the WIQN.

Generally, the WIQN committee will consist of the following members:

  • National Coordinator
  • QLD Coordinator
  • Nth Qld Coordinator
  • NSW Coordinator
  • VIC Coordinator
  • SA Coordinator
  • WA Coordinator
  • TAS Coordinator
  • Independent Representative(s) co-opted as required

The WIQ National Chair will be a senior person from industry and have the skills to chair the group, support the development and execution of strategy that is aligned to the IQA’s strategic plan, positively influence industry and support the state coordinators execute planning. The WIQ National Chair may come from nominations from industry, be recommended either by Branches, the WIQ committee, CEO or the IQA Board.  WIQ National Chair will be endorsed by the Board for a three-year term. The Board can endorse the person for a further 3 years if they are willing to serve.

The State Coordinators are nominated and elected through the Branch and Sub-Branch AGMs from the respective state. Generally, the state WIQ Coordinator will be a committee member or office bearer of their local Branch.  The committee will select a Chairperson to chair the meeting if the Chair is unable to attend.  A quorum for a meeting of the committee is three members.

The WIQN Committee may from time to time co-opt non-WIQ Coordinator members to serve on the committee in order to bring additional skills, experience or networks as and when needed. These members do not have to be IQA members (although it is highly desirable). They will most likely come from HR, large organisations or like industries and have skills and experience in driving diversity programs and change in gender equality.

State WIQ Coordinators and independent members are appointed for two-year terms.  One of the State WIQ Coordinators will be appointed as the Deputy Chairperson by the WIQN committee for a two year term to support the WIQ National Chair.

An IQA staff member will be appointed as the Secretary of the WIQN Committee and will minute the committee meetings.

Our Purpose

 To promote active participation amongst women within the extractive industry and to encourage and create opportunities for personal and professional development.

Our Goals

 Acknowledge and celebrate women’s contribution to the extractive industry;

  1. Acknowledge, celebrate and raise the profile of women’s contribution to the extractive industry;
  2. Support initiatives that foster greater diversity in the extractive industry;
  3. Create a platform to further enhance women’s involvement in and contribution to the extractive industry;
  4. Provide the opportunity for anyone in the industry to connect, network and share experiences;
  5. Promote the quarrying industry to women, and encourage same to become members of the IQA.

Responsibilities of the Committee

 The responsibilities of the committee shall be:

  1. Assisting with the development of the national program on diversity and female participation aligned to the IQA’s strategic plan;
  2. Assisting with the organising of the WIQN conferences, events, education and networking for each state in Australia;
  3. Integrate with IQA Branches to ensure that there is adequate provision of technical presentations, seminars, dinner meetings and networking events for IQA female members and non-members;
  4. Promote the participation of IQA educational training for IQA female members and non-members;
  5. Encourage IQA female members and non-members to participate in the IQA Branch / Sub-Branch fundraising events including site tours, golf days, breakfast and evening gatherings etc.
  6. To ensure that the activities of the committee are consistent with the vision, mission, values, goals and current strategic plan of the IQA.
  7. To ensure that all of the activities undertaken by the WIQN committee are within the insurable events of the IQA’s insurance policies as per point 6 below.
  8. To ensure that all operations of the WIQN committee are undertaken in accordance with the IQA Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy 10.7 and to seek guidance and direction from the IQA’s Chief Executive Officer on any operational issue or matter.
  9. To ensure that actions of the WIQN committee are conducted in accordance with the IQA’s member code of conduct, Competition and Consumer Compliance Protocol and Risk Management Practices policy 10.9.

Reporting lines and authority of the WIQN Committee

The WIQN committee is an IQA operational committee which reports directly to the IQA’s Chief Executive Officer. The WIQN committee will report as necessary to the CEO on the outcome of any planned or ad hoc activities of the committee.

 The WIQN committee will refer any significant matter or contentious issue to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration, with recommendations of appropriate remedy. The Chief Executive Officer has the discretion and authority to override a recommendation of the WIQN committee after appropriate consultation with committee representatives has occurred. 

 The WIQN committee may approve contracts that are within the normal operating activities of the WIQN committee after appropriate vetting by the Company Secretary.

Committee activities

The IQA’s insurable events for the WIQN committee activities includes the following:

  1. Organising and hosting events that promote the organisation’s vision, values, goals and area of focus of interest;
  2. Activities including hosting site tours, social events, dinner meetings to raise funds for member training and education;
  3. The provision of professional development programs to benefit members; and
  4. Support services for members including the provision of opportunities for networking.
  5. Branding, themes, communication and messaging will be aligned to the IQA’s Strategic Direction and approved by the CEO as part of the national program of works.

Meetings of the WIQN committee

  1. The WIQN committee will convene at least three times per year.The convening of meetings may be via verbal arrangement.The WIQN committee will provide to the CEO the meeting minutes within 14 days of each meeting occurring.
  2. The WIQN committee will maintain a rolling 12 month calendar of activities that are aligned to national priorities and integrate with Branch events.


The WIQN committee shall review their charter bi-annually or in-line with changes to the IQA’s strategic plan. The review of the charter will include their membership.  The results of their work will be reported to the CEO.