NSW Bullying & Harassment Workshop | Beresfield

NSW IQA Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace Workshop Workshop
The Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace workshop looks at ways to prevent and respond to workplace bullying and harassment.


Double Impact Learning: A Day of Dual Workshops for Professional Development

The IQA will be delivering a Professional Development day in the Hunter - two workshops Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace and Verification of Competency (VoC) Attend one or both of workshops.  Savings for attending both workshops.

Workshop 2: Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace

Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024
Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm (AEDT)
Location: Daracon Group | 20 Kullara Cl, Beresfield  NSW

Workplace bullying has been characterised by WorkSafe as ‘persistent and repeated negative behaviour directed at an employee that creates a risk to health and safety’.  Harassment may also involve unreasonable behaviours, but harassment differs from bullying in that it is a form of discrimination.  

These persistent behaviours can have an impact on an individual’s health and happiness, affecting their ability to do their job.  Under WHS legislation, the principal duty of employers is to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their workers or groups of workers.  Breaches can incur heavy costs for organisations, including fines, loss of reputation and high levels of employee turnover.  Everyone has the right to a workplace free from bullying and harassment.

The Australian Workplace Barometer states the prevalence of bullying in Australian workplaces as 8.6%. Alarmingly, of those who reported being bullied, more than 50% indicated it occurred at least once per week².

There is a difference between Bullying and Banter!  So what exactly is bullying and harassment, and how can this course help?

Workshop Overview:

This workshop provides a balanced approach of how to both prevent and respond to bullying and harassment in the workplace.  It outlines basic principles of bullying and harassment to raise awareness and build a psychologically safe work environment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain features of bullying & harassment behaviours and practices
  • Understand the impacts of bullying & harassment
  • List organisational factors contributing to bullying and harassment
  • Identify tactics to prevent bullying and harassment
  • List options for responding to options for responding to bullying and harassment
  • Handy tips for assertive communication, conflict management and bystander “speak up” strategies and building a psychologically safe workplace 

Who should attend?

The workshop is recommended for all quarrying and associated industry personnel. 

CPD: 3 Hours

  • IQA QMCS: General WHS
  • NSW MOC: 5. General WHS

A Certificate will be issued upon completion of the workshop

Registration Fees
IQA Member:  $265
Non Member: $380

Workshop 1: Verification of Competency (VoC)

Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024
Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (AEDT)
Location: Daracon Group | 20 Kullara Cl, Beresfield  NSW

  • Have you employed a plant operator lately?
  • Have you recently inducted a contractor onto your site?

If you answered Yes, how did you check that the worker was competent?  Was this simply accepting they have a suitable qualification, or a practising certificate (if applicable)?

Holding a certificate or qualification is no longer sufficient for an employer to accept as evidence that an individual is competent to use equipment or undertake tasks. Greater emphasis is now on employers to ensure an individual has “current competency”.

So, what is Verification of Competency (VoC)?

A Verification of Competency or VOC is a method of assessment which ensures that workers operating plant, equipment and other tools on work sites are still competent to do so - to keep themselves, others and their companies safe and solvent.

VOC is determining, via assessment, that a worker has current skills, knowledge, and experience to safely use plant or equipment, for a particular task, in line with site procedures and conditions.  This includes confirming that workers can operate the specific make and model of plant/equipment in use on site. One question a regulator is likely to ask following an incident is ”Who deemed that person competent?” Typically followed by “What qualifications do you have to deem that person competent?”  It is critical that those in your workplace performing assessments on another person’s competency are qualified to conduct the assessment. A VOC should be evidence-based and confirmed before work commences.

VOC’s are an essential consideration for employers when onboarding plant operators, to maintain safety of workers, and prevent accidents and damage to equipment.   

Course Overview

On average, plant & equipment account for 71% of mechanisms related to worker fatalities² .   Under WHS legislation, employers are responsible for providing information, instruction, training, and supervision to employees. This includes ensuring workers have sufficient skills to operate plant and equipment competently.

This workshop provides a risk-based approach to establish a VOC program that not only meets legal requirements, but also enables effective risk controls and a high-performance culture.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand your legal obligations for VoC, including operator competency vs assessor competency
  • Understand how to demonstrate due diligence and minimise risk of personal liability - facts vs myths!
  • List options for taking a risk-based approach for establishing VoC safe systems of work, and the relationship with Critical Control Management (CCM)
  • Gain an understanding of leadership principles and methods of building a high-performance culture

Who is this course for?

The course is recommended for:

  • Quarry Managers
  • Quarry Supervisors
  • Health & Safety professionals
  • Those with responsibility for safe systems of work, management, and supervision of high-risk plant & equipment.

CPD: 3 Hours

  • IQA QMCS: Risk Management
  • NSW MOC: 1. Mining and WHS Systems (Subject A: Safety Management Systems)

A Certificate will be issued upon completion of the workshop

Registration Fees
IQA Member:  $265
Non Member: $380


Not an IQA Member?  Like Member Pricing?  Join the IQA quickly and easily online Join today and save on your registration for this event.

Your Facilitator for the Day | Yvonne Baretta


Yvonne is an accomplished leader specialising in injury prevention and end to end practical initiatives that drive the imperative for health, safety, and wellbeing. Her core capabilities are strategy, systems, leadership, mindset and thought development, change management, critical risk management and injury management, and prevention. Yvonne’s experience extends across a diverse range of projects and clients and multiple high risk industries including Building Products, Construction, Logistics and Transport, and Manufacturing.

Registrations Close: Thursday 7 March 2024 (unless booked out prior)


All information is correct at the time of publication. The IQA reserves the right to alter or delete items as required, and takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions and changes.

² https://www.stresscafe.com.au/uploads/1/2/4/1/124146295/bullying_and_harassment2021.pdf
² Source: SafeWork Australia 5-year average 2016-2020.
Includes: vehicle collision*, Being hit by moving and falling objects, being trapped between stationary and moving objects and trapped by moving machinery and rollover of non-road vehicle
Excludes: “Contact with electricity, falls from heights, drowning, slide or cave-in, contact with hot objects, being hit by an animal, and other mechanism

13/03/2024 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Daracon Group 20 Kullara Cl Beresfield, NSW 2322 AUSTRALIA
Online registration not available.

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